Shy Girl Clutches Mic on Stage and Begin Singing First Verse Simon’s jaw drops after hearing a stunning twist on a classic song.

It can be difficult to watch a young child or adolescent audition on live television shows. You’re not sure if they have what it takes, given their age and level of experience. They may need to work on their dancing or their voices before going on stage. This clip from the 2010 season of ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ perfectly captures the viewing experience.

No one, from the judges to the audience, knew what to expect when a 14-year-old girl took the stage on Britain’s Got Talent. But when this young girl began to sing, everyone was taken aback. She took the stage in a tee and jeans, ready to sing her heart out.

Shy Girl Clutches Mic on Stage and Begin Singing First Verse Simon’s jaw drops after hearing a stunning twist on a classic song.
5 year old girl singing, Zal stunned. 130.000.000 million people viewed in 1 day!!