In the 1980s, this striking woman was an upcoming Hollywood star. During her heyday, she received three Academy Awards, but then she faded into obscurity. Now, at 67, it’s hard to recognize her…

Fans everywhere wished they were the stunning Debra Winger after Naval Officer Zack Mayo took factory worker Paula into his arms and carried her from her place of employment in a classic romance.

For daydreaming fans, the iconic scene from the romance drama An Officer and a Gentleman, in which Richard Gere portrayed the dashing hero in navy whites, Officer Zack Mayo, became the standard for love stories.

Many were envious of Debra Winger, who acted with some of Hollywood’s most attractive guys.

Winger, 69, is still stunning today. Winger has shared pictures of herself on Instagram throughout the last few years, initially with brown hair and later with wavy gray hair.

Winger played Drusilla, the younger sister of Lynda Carter’s Diana Prince/Wonder Woman, in the popular TV series Wonder Woman (1979), after landing her first major role in the 1976 movie Sleep Party ’57. Winger was requested to make more appearances, but she rejected out of fear that the role would stereotype her.

There were no regrets about the choice; the growing celebrity would have a profitable early 1980s.

She got multiple Academy and Golden Globe nominations for her roles in three classic 1980s films at the height of her youthful career

In the 1980s, this striking woman was an upcoming Hollywood star. During her heyday, she received three Academy Awards, but then she faded into obscurity. Now, at 67, it’s hard to recognize her…
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